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Neda, young girl brutally killed in Iran, becoming symbol of rebellion

Neda, young girl brutally killed in Iran, becoming symbol of rebellion

BY Helen Kennedy

Updated Monday, June 22nd 2009, 7:17 AM


A protestor holds up a photo of a murdered girl identified as Neda Soltani at a rally outside of the Austrian parliament building in Vienna.

Her name is Neda, which means "voice" in Farsi, and her death has become the central rallying cry of the Iranian rebellion.

The fresh-faced teenage girl killed by what appears to be a single sniper shot on the streets of Tehran Saturday is now a potent symbol for Iran's pro-democracy protesters.

Her shocking and quick death in the arms of her howling father was captured on closeup video, posted to Facebook and came to life on computer screens across the globe.

"RIP Neda, the world cries seeing your last breath," was one of a flood of messages on Twitter.

"They killed Neda, but not her voice," read another. "Neda is everyone's sister, everyone's daughter, everyone's voice for freedom," said a third.

Within hours of her death, posters of the girl's face, open-eyed and bloody, were being brandished by demonstrators in Los Angeles and New York City.

The graphic video was originally posted to Facebook by an Iranian expatriate in Holland who said it was sent to him by a friend in Tehran, a doctor who tried to save the girl.

He identified her as Neda Soltani, a 16-year-old philosophy student.

A Facebook group created to mourn her calls her "The Angel of Iran."

In Tehran on Sunday, the streets were quiet for the first time in a week, but the city was bracing for more unrest today when thousands are expected to mourn the girl's death.

"To protest against lies and fraud is your right," opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi told his followers in a statement.

"Be hopeful in exercising your rights and do not allow those who try to instill fear in you to make you angry."

An ABC reporter in Dubai said she was told the girl was rapidly buried to forestall a funeral rally.

In the holy city of Qom, turmoil was reported among the ruling clerics. There were reports that some dissident clerics were trying to replace the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The regime is under threat after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won a suspiciously huge landslide in the June 12 election, sparking accusations of vote rigging and days of mass protests.

Saturday's brutal crackdown, in which at least a dozen people were killed and hundreds wounded, hardened opposition to the supreme leader as well as Ahmadinejad.

In apparent retaliation, the daughter of powerful former President Hashemi Rafsanjani and four of his other relatives were arrested and held for a day, according to state TV.

State radio said Monday that 457 people were arrested in the clashes.

Rafsanjani's kin were held for a day for their own protection, but it was seen in most quarters as a clear warning to curb his support for Mousavi.

Holographic Universe

Movie 2 0 1 2 new trailer

Columbia Pictures Presents the Worldwide Trailer Debut for 2012
(美通社)2009年6月17日 星期三 09:50

Never before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures, so many religions, scientists, and governments. 2012 is an epic adventure about a global cataclysm, which brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors.


Directed by - Roland Emmerich

Written by - Roland Emmerich - Harald Kloser

Produced by - Harald Kloser - Mark Gordon - Larry Franco

Executive Producers - Roland Emmerich - Ute Emmerich - Michael Wilmer

Cast - John Cusack - Chiwetel Ejiofor - Amanda Peet - Oliver Platt - Thandie Newton - Danny Glover & Woody Harrelson

《 2012》世紀災難毀白宮 尊古錫揭挪亞方舟黑幕

災難片向來大有市場,拍過《天煞─地球反擊戰》( Independence Day)及《明日之後》( The Day After Tomorrow)的德國導演羅倫艾默烈治( Roland Emmerich),今年再將世界末日題材搬上銀幕,他在新作《 2012》中玩得更大,美國白宮遭海嘯捲起的航空母艦擊碎,梵蒂岡聖伯多祿大教堂倒塌,單看預告片特技場面已叫人目瞪口呆。

堪稱災難片大師的羅倫艾默烈治今年再拍同類題材,將於今年 11月全球同步上映的《 2012》,講述古時馬雅曆法的預言應驗,地球於 2012年時發生超級地震及海嘯等自然災害,人類存亡繫於一線。影片由最近跟周潤發及鞏俐合演《上海》的尊古錫( John Cusack)擔正,活地夏里遜( Woody Harrelson)扮演瘋狂預言家,丹尼高化( Danny Glover)則飾演黑人總統,明顯影射新上任的黑人總統奧巴馬( Barack Obama),觀眾自然看得更投入。


日前影片的預告片正式曝光,可見片中的 災難特技比《明日之後》更壯觀更密集,開始時全球各地出現末日徵兆,美洲馬雅遺址有人集體自殺、巴西巨型基督像因地震而崩潰、倫敦市民恐懼引起暴亂,奧運 會被迫取消。之後全球天災一發不可收拾,飾演科幻小說作家的尊古錫與子女駕車外遊,卻遇上隕石突襲幾乎喪命;洛杉磯出現大地震、拉斯維加斯變成地獄峽谷。 當成千上萬的信眾在梵蒂岡為地球祈福時,聖伯多祿大教堂竟突然倒塌,釀成世紀慘劇。


當尊古錫企圖帶兒女逃出生天時,他們 發現美國政府興建了一艘超巨型「挪亞方舟」接載國民避難,但只有少數人能夠登船,引來政府一場權力及道德的角力。不過美國總統也自身難保,先有首府華盛頓 被海嘯淹沒、空軍一號起飛時遭巨浪捲走,白宮更遭甘迺迪號航空母艦擊碎,意念誇張絕倫,真想知道導演羅倫如何為故事收尾。

The Phoenix Crop Circle . 英「火鳳凰」麥田圈預警







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